Peers and teachers continue to mourn loss of Anna Burns

December 26, 2023
NESPA Winner: Feature story, 2023
The Graphic, Amherst Regional High School, Amherst, MA
On September 13, the Amherst community lost a beloved friend, Ultimate player, runner, skier, environmentalist, outdoor enthusiast, engaged student, and more in Anna Burns.
Burns went into cardiac arrest at the end of a cross country race in Ludlow, Mass. and though EMTs tried to revive them, they never regained consciousness. Their organs were donated a week later so that others would be helped by their loss.
In their obituary published on, Burns’s parents wrote, “Anna’s wide interests made them a part of many communities and many hearts. We know that Anna means much to you, and the love we all feel for them is important to express, capture, and hold onto.”
While students and teachers at ARHS took the loss of their friend and classmate very hard and the grieving continues, people have been buoyed by positive memories of Anna and reflecting on the lessons they learned from knowing them.