The New England Scholastic Press Association




Embrace, Adapt to Change, BU Lecturer Tells Students
Embrace, Adapt to Change, BU Lecturer Tells Students
Charlie Bluestein & Jenny Lee, The Lion’s Roar, Newton South High School • May 21, 2024

Aspiring journalists should embrace progress and keep an open mind, sports journalist and lecturer A. Sherrod Blakely told students in his keynote address to the New England Scholastic Press Association in May.  “By looking at things from a very...

Embrace, Adapt to Change, BU Lecturer Tells Students
Embrace, Adapt to Change, BU Lecturer Tells Students
Charlie Bluestein & Jenny Lee, The Lion’s Roar, Newton South High School • May 21, 2024

Aspiring journalists should embrace progress and keep an open mind, sports journalist and lecturer A. Sherrod Blakely told students in his keynote...

Congratulations to the 2024 All New England winners
Congratulations to the 2024 All New England winners
May 20, 2024

The 2024 All New England awards, the highest honor NESPA awards to publications each year, were announced at the May 3, 2024 conference. Congratulations...

2024 Spring Conference Program & Info
2024 Spring Conference Program & Info
May 1, 2024

Take a closer look: The Day's Schedule Session Descriptions Who's who of presenters Session planning worksheet BU area restaurants PDF...