The New England Scholastic Press Association





Click here to join NESPA today!

Membership is by school, not publication.

The New England Scholastic Press Association is dedicated to helping students and their advisers produce publications and broadcast programming of excellence.


NESPA provides
•an annual conference
•contests with awards for broadcast, print, print/online and online only media evaluated as a whole
•evaluations and critiques of broadcast programs, magazines, newspapers, print/online publications, online only publications and yearbooks
•fall workshops
•professional development for news publication advisers in summer workshops
•special awards in a range of categories
•individual consultations
•resources for skill development
•free virtual site visits to member schools
•special benefits for member schools including discounts on contest and convention fees


Membership fee is $50 for each school entering publication and/or broadcast units.
•Members pay NO registration fee for their advisers and up to six students at the annual conference.
•All other students from a member school pay a conference registration fee of only $3 each.
•Non-members’ fee for registration at the conference is $5 for each student and faculty adviser.
•Membership fee applies to all publications and productions from a member school. Contest entries can include broadcast, magazine, newspaper, yearbook,
print/online or online publications.
•Non-members’ contest fees: $15 per broadcast, magazine, newspaper, yearbook, newspaper/online, or online/multimedia publications and production contest entry.
•Members’ fee for each special achievement or localizing entry submission is $1.50.
•Non-members’ fee is $2.50 for each special achievement or localizing entry submission.


Mail the membership form (along with any print contest entries) to:

New England Scholastic Press Association

c/o Helen Smith

130 Washington Street

Newton, MA 02458