Behind the scenes of “Seussical”

Cast and crew collaborate to light up stage with first musical since pandemic

Priya Maraliga

Set Design Co-Head, Junior Alex Reineke, and Freshman Maggie O’Connell paint a set for ARHS’ production of Suessical the Musical.

Claire Bai and Brianna Tang

NESPA Winner: Localizing, 2021

The Harbinger, Algonquin Regional High School, Northborough, Mass.

With upbeat music, lively dance routines and vibrant set designs, the auditorium will come alive with a massive collaborative effort through the first in person musical performance since the start of the pandemic. “Seussical,” a show based on the works of Dr. Seuss, will be performed four times total: Thursday, Nov. 18 and Friday, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m., and Saturday, Nov. 20 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.

“After not doing shows in the past year and a half, there have been a lot of challenges,” musical director and science teacher Brian Kelly said. “I think the cast is really excited to be back on stage again with a live audience since we did a lot of virtual performances last year.”

As the stage director, Kelly oversees the entire production from backstage to directing actors’ expressions and movements, working closely with chorus teacher Olivia Goliger and choreographer Denise Day. With shifting advice from the medical board, it has been difficult for both actors and crew members to follow regulations while also getting everything done for the show. According to current guidelines, performers will not have to wear masks if they are fully vaccinated and have a negative COVID result within 48 hours of the show.

Based on Dr. Seuss’s books, the musical is a whimsical and lighthearted choice for the return of live performances.

“We are finally back; I think that is really big for ARHS drama,” technical director senior Jared Lipkin said. “It is a fun show; I think people can come and expect to have a fun time and laugh. It’s something everybody needs.”

Read the full story at The Harbinger’s site,