Molly Goldstein takes the stage as new LHS drama adviser

Molly Goldstein smiles big with a student of hers. Goldstein has worked with students since her senior year of high school, describing it as “passion.” She is more than excited to start working with the students of LHS. (Used with permission by Molly Goldstein)
January 20, 2023
NESPA Winner: Personality Profile, 2022
The Lancer Spirit, Londonderry High School, Londonderry, NH
Molly Goldstein applied to the middle school for the orchestra teaching position, and ended up filling a vital role in the high school’s arts community. Goldstein, a theatre education graduate, has been hired as the high school drama club’s director and the newest anchor on the board of teachers running the club.
“It’s exciting to be in a community that really realizes and supports the arts,” Goldstein said.
Goldstein grew up in a rural area with a family that had a passion for teaching and music. She explained that she was “exposed to a lot of theatre” from her mom and sisters.
“Both of my parents are teachers and my mom is musical,” Goldstein said. “She never made us do any of it, but my two older sisters both did music and theatre. That all stemmed from my mother incorporating so much music into our lives in every element.”
Starting at a young age, the arts have always been a big part of her life.. As she got older, she discovered the real importance of theatre.