Lincoln High Students Build A Garden Project for the RI Home Show
November 8, 2023
NESPA Winner: Feature story, 2023
The Lion’s Roar, Lincoln High School, Lincoln, RI
For the thousands of people in attendance, the Rhode Island Home Show is a beacon of inspiration for home builders, homeowners, gardeners and families. Yet there is more to the massive exhibition than bricks, mortar and perennials. For students in Career and Tech Ed (CTE) programs, it’s also about learning, dreaming, designing and building, watching as something that starts with a bit of imagination turns into a remarkable achievement. This year, among the many participating, are the students of Lincoln High School.
March 30 marks the start of the 73rd Annual Rhode Island Home Show. The show is the largest and longest-running display of its kind in New England and features hundreds of home-related exhibitors. This year, Lincoln High School created a unique project to display at the show. The school was asked to create a physical product for the garden exhibit, and ultimately decided on a staircase.
Mr. Robert Gervais, the Design and Engineering teacher at LHS, explained that the project is meaningful to students. “The best way to get the students interested in what they’re doing is to give them a real-world experience,” he said. “It’s to incorporate things like that right into their learning.” His classes had just finished learning about design features such as rise and run, and the experience of designing a large product allowed students to apply their learning to an intricate project.