Saying ‘gay’ won’t make your children gay

Recently, Florida government passes a bill that will prohibit the discussion of sexuality and gender identity
September 20, 2022
NESPA Winner: Bylined Column, 2022
The Lancer Spirit, Londonderry High School, Londonderry, NH
Primary school-aged children are at one of the most impressionable ages. These young students are constantly watching their teachers to figure out which behaviors and responses are acceptable and which will be scrutinized.
There are certain adults that fear how the presence of LGBTQ+ relationships in the media will affect their children. Yes, young children are impressionable, but that is not an excuse for your homophobia. Why are heterosexual relationships okay to be blasted all over film and TV, but when it comes to two guys holding hands suddenly you are horrified about what your children are watching?
On March 28, Florida governor Ron Desantis signed the “Parental Rights in Education” bill into law, now dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by opponents. This legislature, which will go into effect July 2022, will prohibit all discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation in primary schools from kindergarten to third grade.
Now, of course, these concepts can be complex and should be taught cautiously, but that does not mean children should not be exposed to them.